Spay and Neuter
Do You REALLY LOVE Your Pet??
If you do,
then SPAY and NEUTER!
Be part of the Solution, Not Part of the Problem!
Everybody knows how cute kittens are. They are young and cute and playful. Many people are overwhelmed by the sight of such
a cute little animal, and decide without much thinking to take a kitten into their home. What they do not think about is that within
a few months this cute kitten will be a fully grown cat who may live an average of 12 years. That means that the human who has
taken on the cat as their own, has the responsibility to take care of this animal for the duration of its life which could be 12 years or more.
Most of the time people never think past about 4 years when the cat is still new and interesting. A common thought is also that if you
get a Tom-Cat there is no need to have him fixed since you will not be the one having to worry about unwanted kittens.
If you want to get a cat or kitten there are many things you need to consider, and one of the is definitely the amount of money you will
spend on spaying your pet. If you cannot bring yourself to spend around $60 to $70 dollars on fixing your cat, then you are not responsible
enough to take care of your pet, and should never get one in the first place.
If you ask me, people should have to get a license to own animals!
The Miracle of Life...
"Come quick, come quick", their mother said "The time is getting near"
She feels that when the kittens come the children should be here.
She told them that a big orange Tom took "Kitty" as his wife
"It's wonderful, a gift from God, the miracle of life"
At half a year young "Kitty" feels too painful and too scared
to appreciate six miracles, blind-eyed and yellow haired.
But she knows these lives depend on her and nature tells her how
and as she cleans them, children ask "Mom, can we go now?"
But now and then for six more weeks the children visit her
to play with six new magic toys made of life and fur.
The six weeks pass, the newness gone and new homes yet unfound,
Mom bundles up six miracles and takes them to the pound,
Where lovingly, with gentle hands and no tears left to cry,
the shelter workers kiss them once and take them off to die.
And "Momma Kitty" now shes called mourns her loss and then,
she's put outside, and of course, she's pregnant once again.
Dad tells "Kitty" STOP THIS NOW or you wont live here long!
but deep inside of Momma Cat, this time something's wrong.
Too young, too small, too often bred now nature's gone awry,
Momma Kitty feels it too and she crawls off to die.
She too is freed from this cruel world, and from her time of strife.
How harsh the truth, how high the price this "Miracle of Life"?
-By Barry Taylor, DVM
Courtesy of Nancy Pilotte. (Thank you!)
To A Homeless Cat
Who was there when you died, pretty one?
Who was there when you left this place?
Who was there to say goodbye, pretty one?
Who was there to rain tears on your face?
Were you hurt and in pain, pretty one?
Were you hungry and cold and alone?
Were you sick and afraid, pretty one?
Were you just too tired to go on?
Somebody loves you, pretty one,
Though you may not have seen her this time.
Someone will hold you, pretty one,
When your trials in this life are behind.
Head straight for the Bridge, pretty one.
Run swift, and run straight, and you'll see.
There is food, there is sun, pretty one.
There is nothing and no one to fear.
And there's also, for you, my pretty one,
The love that you never felt here.
They are waiting for you, my pretty one.
And I'll follow, to hold you, my dear.
Go to sleep, pretty one, and forget.
Forget the horrible life humankind has dealt you.
And awake to renewal, and contentment, and joy.
Stretch in the sun, pretty one!
By Tam Nesbit
Courtesy of Sarah Davis. (Thank You!)