The Susi Tip

The Susi Tip !

Here is my tip to you! I will tell you now how my mommy takes
care of us, and what she feeds us. And since I'm so healthy and pretty,
at my tender age, she's got to be doing something right! Don't you think?

On a Daily Basis
Canned FoodWhiskasFriskies Gourmet
Dry FoodMax Cat (Neutro Max)Royal Canine

On The Weekend
Canned FoodWhiskasFriskies GourmetSheba/Fancy Feast/
Dry FoodMax Cat (Neutro Max)Royal Canine--
MilkWhiskas Cat Milk----
TreatsTuna in WaterTender VittlesSchnurries

During the Week
During the week, mommy and daddy feed us about 1 can (400g) of
canned food in the morning. While they are gone all day, we have unlimited access to our
dryfood and can feed freely when ever we like. Mommy mostly feeds us Neutro Max
Dry food because it has the right levels of Taurine which are so important
for us older kitties (Pumi, Hexe, and I), because it is otherwise very balanced
and because we actually like it and WILL eat it. Because we are very picky eaters,
and constantly need variation in our diet, mommy also feeds us Natural Choice
(which is a different flavour of Max Cat), and Royal Canine (Normal and Senior).
Mommy also makes sure that Daisy sometimes eats Max Cat Kitten, since she is still
growing a little bit.
The reason why mommy is feeding us Whiskas and Friskies Gourmet is basically through
Trial and Error. Those are the 2 brands we love the best. The reason why she feeds us
2 flavors of can food, is basically because we're very picky eaters and like to have variation.

When mommy and daddy come home, we get unlimited amounts of canned food. Yup, that's true!
We get as much wet food as we want, but mommy makes sure that the food dish is empty before
going to bed, and over night we are left with our unlimited access to the dry-food stash.

In the evening mommy gives us Schnurries. Schnurries are heartshaped taurine treats in
different flavors, like salmon for instance. They are really yummy, and of course, healthy
for us Taurine-needy kitties. So far mommy has been able to find these treats only in
Germany, so we don't know if they exist anywhere else. Mommy just buys a huge stock
whenever she's there.

Even though many people argue the fact that cats should NEVER be given table scraps, our
mommy's philosophy is that "A little bit won't hurt, Everything in excess is bad".
Whenever mommy or daddy are cooking, sometimes a little piece will fall on the floor
"ACCIDENTALLY". Pumi and Hexe are nuts about raw meat, but I think its discusting. Still,
every once in a while they get a tiny piece of raw meat (of course only certain meat that
isn't bad for them).

Though Hexe and Daisy always drink water outside, we constantly have a bowl of
fresh water accompanying our food supply.

On The Weekend
On the weekend we get special treatment! Along with the usual canned
food and dry food, we get Cat Milk all weekend long. Mommy says that that way she
makes sure that we drink enough so we won't get any urinary track infections, etc, and there
are lot's of good proteins and vitamins in this specially prepared milk. Even though
we can have it whenever we want, we only drink about 4 packs (200ml/pack) during the
whole 2 days,with the 4 of us.

Also, we get special treats, such as Sheba or Fancy Feast, and Tender Vittles.
I get "Special Treatment" on the weekends. Yup, you see, I don't really eat that much
dryfood, so mommy is a little worried about the lack of my Taurine intake. So what
she does, in order to make sure that I get my fair share of Taurine, she feeds me
...TUNA...!!!!!!! I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!
Of course the others also get a little bit, but it's mostly for just ME! Of course mommy
only uses Tuna in water (the real Tuna, made for Humans). Sadly though she doesn't let me
have Tuna every weekend, she says that that's not good for me either. So on the odd weekends
when I don't get Tuna, I do get the canned food from Max Cat, which is also extremely
yummy, and has a high Taurine level.
Daisy also gets special treatment in the weekend. She still gets kitten food sometimes, but
that doesn't really work too well, since she wants to eat out of the big-kitties bowl,
and Pumi is more than happy to gobble up the kitten food!
Mommy also has lots of kitty treats at home, but only Daisy likes them.

So now you know mommy's secret. I'm not saying by any means
that you should demand this same kind of food and feeding procedure
from your human. All I'm doing is letting you get a glimps
at how the Pumi-Catz dine! Some of you out there have certain
health conditions which require a certain diet, and the not
so fortunate of you who have metabolism problems, might become
overweight if given the same access to food as we have.
Therefore, I'm sure what your human feeds you is just what YOU need!
They are pretty good about nutritional stuff as a species in general.